Summer School Programs-Shaanxi Normal University
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Summer School Programs

Summer School

The Teaching Affairs Department organizes the SNNU Summer School during summer vacation each year, inviting foreign experts to teach two-week courses on a variety of subjects.

Students who enroll and attend the courses earn credits. The courses are taught in English, so the students not only expand their academic horizon by learning the subject matter, but also improve their English through listening to and interacting with the instructors.

The notice and schedule for Summer School courses isposted on the website of Teaching Affairs Department about two weeks before the summer vacation begins.

Summer Programs

Several SNNU schools and departments run summer programs in on-job training, vocational training, teacher training and Chinese language and culture.

The International Student Office and International Schoolof Chinese Studies operate summer programs in the forms of summer camps, study tours, short-term courses in Chinese language and culture, and one-on-one courses, etc.

To arrange such a program, please contact the International Student Office.