Distance Education-Shaanxi Normal University
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Distance Education

With more than 50 years history in adult education, the University was the first among general higher education institutions in northwest China to offer adult education.

   In 1955, the University began its correspondence education when its Correspondence Department was set up with the approval of the Ministry of Education. In 1985, its Evening College began to enroll students. In 1987, the College of Adult Education was established, which was renamed the School of Continuous Education in 1999. Approved by the Ministry of Education, the University was chosen as a pilot institution for modern distance education in Feb 2002, and the School of Network Education was established in May 2002. In July 2010, the School of Network Education and the School of Continuous Education merged into the School of Distance Education.

   Also functioning as the Shaanxi Provincial Research and Development Center for Basic Education Resources and the SNNU Center for Teacher Education Resources, the School fully utilizes advanced information technologies to help fostering SNNU talents and strengthens the construction of teacher education and basic education resources, as well as promotes the development of information-based curricula and sharing of high quality educational resources.

   Offering versatile forms of education such as network education, correspondence education and night college, graduate education and non-degree training, the School runs four levels of educational programs, namely the junior college program starting from senior high school, the undergraduate program starting from senior high school, the undergraduate program starting from junior college and the master’s degree program.

   Meanwhile, the School also undertakes various tasks such as the construction of the project of “National Innovation Platform for 985 Advantage Disciplines in Teacher Education”, research and development of basic education resources and educational services for Shaanxi province, as well as website operation and service.

   For more information, visit the website of School of Distance Education (in Chinese).