





In the golden autumn of the Chinese lunar calendar year of Wuxu, we will celebrate the centennial anniversary of our library. A century ago, the Library was founded as the Wuwu Reading Room, a voluntary initiative headed by students. Since then, the library has transformed throughout the years. Thanks to the efforts of several generations, the Library has successfully developed a comprehensive and multidisciplinary collection in multiple languages and formats. As a prominent research library performing a wide variety of functions, our library plays a pivotal role in the university’s education, research, cultural heritage preservation, and community service. 

By virtue of Fudan University’s engagement in the national “double first-class” initiative and the opportunity to celebrate our centennial, the Library will hold an international seminar, “Facing the Future of the Research Library”, on Oct. 15-19, 2018.


一、会议名称/ Conference name


Fudan University Library Centennial Celebration with a Joint International Seminar“Facing the Future of the Research Library”

 二、会议时间/ Conference date 

2018年10月15-19日/ Oct.15-19,2018

三、会议地点/ Conference venue

复旦大学/ Fudan University 

 四、主办单位/ Organizer 

复旦大学图书馆/ Fudan University Library