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姓名: 姚玉峰
职务: 眼科主任
职称: 教授
学历: 博士研究生
专业: 眼科学
所属院系: 邵氏医院
研究方向: 角膜病;白内障青光眼;感染与免疫
电话: 0571-86002002
信箱: yaoyuf@mail.hz.zj.cn







1984年毕业于浙江医科大学之后,于1992年至1997年留学日本大阪大学医学部,在国际着名的眼科权威田野保雄(Yasuo Tano)教授和大桥裕一(Yuichi Ohashi)教授的指导下,从事角膜病的基础和临床研究,获医学博士学位。

对眼科各类疑难疾病的诊治具有丰富的经验,擅长角膜病、青光眼、白内障等眼病的诊治。在角膜病的研究和临床诊治领域造诣深厚。重要成果包括:证明过角膜上皮移植理论,发现前房抑制性T细胞对角膜移植排斥反应的特殊抑制作用,首次分离到ACV耐药单疱病毒株并阐明其生物学特性和耐药机制,开发了治疗眼烧伤的手术治疗新方法,建立了重症真菌性角膜炎的角膜移植治疗新技术,建立了真菌菌种鉴定新方法、药物敏感检测技术和真菌性角膜炎药物治疗的新方法。他创立的深板层角膜移植技术,被国际同行称之为Yao’s法,拥有两项发明专利,被编入美国角膜病专科医师培训用教科书之中,他本人分别受邀在美国、日本等重要国家作特别邀请讲演,该技术已被相关的国际眼科专家学习效仿并得到推广。他的诸多发现和开发的新技术、新方法,发表在国际眼科最高级别的专业杂志(如IOVS,Ophthalmology,American Journal of Ophthalmology,British Journal of Ophthalmology等)上。曾获世界华人眼科大会优秀青年论文奖,浙江省科技进步二等奖,浙江省医学卫生创新奖二等奖和一等奖。是国际角膜病领域知名的眼科专家之一。

1. Yin JF, Jiang JK, Yao YF. Methycellulose as intraocular viscous elastic material in animal study. Journal of Zhejiang Medical University. 19(4):167-169, 1990 (in Chinese)
2. Yao YF, Yin J-F. Castroviejo syndrome: a case report. Journal of Zhejiang Medical University. 21(2):94, 1992 (in Chinese)
3. Yao K, Yao YF. Comparison of primary and secondary cataract removal and intraocular lens in penetrating keratoplasty cases. Journal of Zhejiang Medical University. 21(2):67-69, 1992 (in Chinese)
4. Yao YF, Inoue Y, Shimomura Y, Hosotani H, Kase T. Three cases of atypical keratitis caused by herpes simplex virus type 1. J. Eye (Atarashi Ganga). 10(10):1711-1714, 1993. (in Japanese)
5. Yao YF, Inoue Y, Shimomura Y, Hosotani H, Kase T. Primary herpes simplex virus infection with geographic conjunctival ulceration. Am J Ophthalmol. 118(11):670-671, 1994
6. Yao YF, Inoue Y, Hara Y, Kiritoshi A, Tano Y, Ohashi Y. Suppression of graft rejection in rat keratoepithelioplasty by anterior chamber inoculation of donor lymphocytes. Jpn J Ophthalmol. 38:345-352, 1994.
7. Yao YF, Inoue Y, Miyazaki D, Shimomura Y, Ohashi Y, Tano Y. Ocular resurfacing and alloepithelial rejection in a murine keratoepithelioplasty model. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 36:2623-2633, 1995.
8. Yao YF, Inoue Y, Shimomura Y, Kiritoshi A, Ohashi Y. Suppressive effect of FK506 on corneal epithelial rejection in a murine keratoepithelioplasty model. Folia Ophthalmol Jpn. 45: 976-980, 1995 (in Japanese)
9. Shimomura Y, Yamamoto S, Yao YF, Hosotani H, Kiritoshi A, Inoue Y. Herpes simplex virus DNA detection from tear film of herpetic keratitis in non-active stage. Folia Ophthalmol Jpn. 45:481-483, 1994. (in Japanese)
10. Shimomura Y, Yamamoto S, Yao YF, Inoue Y, Ohshima T. Effectiveness of polymerase chain reaction in herpetic latency in the human cornea. Journal of the Eye (Atarashi Ganga). 10(11):1869-1871, 1993. (in Japanese)
11. Kiritoshi H, Inoue Y, Neze E, Cho Y, Shimomura Y, Yao YF. A case of atypical herpetic epithelial keratitis under treatment for rejection after penetrating keratoplasty. Journal of the Eye (Atarashi Ganka). 11(12):1923-1925, 1994. (in Japanese)
12. Uno T, Ohashi Y, Inoue Y, Yao YF, Ishii Y. A case of recurrent corneal epithelial opacity originating from the limbus. Rinsho Ganka (Jpn J Clin Ophthalmol). 48(4):709-713, 1994. (in Japanese)
13. Yao YF, Inoue Y, Kase T, Uchihori Y, Mori Y, Ohashi Y. Clinical characteristics of acyclovir-resistant herpetic keratitis and experimental studies of isolates. Graefe’s Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 234:S126-S132. 1996
14. Yao YF, Inoue Y, Shimomura Y, Hosotani H, Kase T. A case of geographic conjunctival ulcer caused by primary infection of herpes simplex virus type 1. Rinsho Ganka (Jpn J Clin Ophthalmol). 48(3):326-327, 1994. (in Japanese)
15. Yao YF, Inoue Y, Miyazaki D, Hara Y, Shimomura Y, Tano Y, Ohashi Y. Correlation of anterior chamber-associated immune deviation with suppression of corneal epithelial rejejction in mice. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 38:292-300, 1997.
16. Yao YF, Inoue Y, Miyazaki D, Hara Y, Shimomura Y, Tano Y, Ohashi Y. The antigen-bearing eye and the spleen are indispensable in maintaining anterior chamber-associted immune deviation. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 38:534-3539, 1997.
17. Hara Y, Yao YF, Tano Y. Transforming growth factor-B endows macrophages with a deviant systemic immune response similar to anterior chamber-associated immune deviation. Regional Immunology. 6 (1&2):138-142, 1994.
18. Inoue Y, Yao YF. Mouse keratoepithelioplasty model. 1st annual meeting of the Kyoto Cornea Club, Kyoto, December 1-2, 1995, pp93-100. Ed. Kinoshita S and Ohashi Y.
19. Miyazaki D, Inoue Y, Yao YF, Okada A, Shimomura Y, Hayashi K, Tano Y, Ohashi Y. T-cell-mediated immune responses in alloepithelial rejection after murine keratoepithelioplasty. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 40:2590-2597, 1999.
20. Yao YF, Zhang B, Zhou P, Jiang JK. Autologous Limbal Grafting Combined with Deep Lamellar Keratoplasty in Unilateral Eye with Severe Chemical or Thermal Burn at Late Stage. Ophthalmology 2002; 109(11):2011-2017
21. Yao YF, Zhang YM, Zhou P, Zhang, Qiu WY, Tseng SCG. Therapeutic Penetrating Keratoplasty in Severe Fungal Keratitis Using Cryopreserved Donor Corneas. Br J Ophthalmol 2003;87:543-547
22. Zhang B, Yao YF. Application of impression cytology in diagnosis of ocular surface disease. Journal of Zhejiang University (Medical Science) 2002; 31:383-387 (in Chinese)
23. Han CM, Yao YF, Yu CH. Treatment of the ocular burn with hormone. Chin J Burns. 2001; 17:330-332 (in Chinese)
24. Yao YF, et al. Descemet’s Membrane Exposure in Full Bed by a Technique of Viscoelastic Injection through a Pocket for Deep Lamellar Keratoplasty. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2003; 44: E-Abstract 4664. ARVO Abstract. May 2003 in Fort Lauderdale, FL. USA
25. Zhu YF, Yao YF, Qiu WY. Combination of Auto-Limbal Grafting with Deep Lamellar Keratoplasty for Unilateral Ocular Burn. Chinese Ophthalmic Research. 2004; 22: 395-398. (in Chinese).
26. Zhou P, Yao YF, Qiu WY, et al. Optical Penetrating Keratoplasty in Eyes with Severe Keratomycosis after Therapeutic Keratoplasty. Chinese Journal of Ophthalmology. 2005; 41:1103-1106. (in Chinese).
27. Qiu WY, Yao YF, Zhu YF, Zhang YM, Zhou P, Jin YQ and Zhang B. Fungal Spectrum Identified by a New Slide Culture and In Vitro Drug Susceptibility Using Etest in Fungal Keratitis Current Eye Research 2005; 30:1113–1120.
28. Yao YF, Qiu WY, Zhang YM, Tseng SCG. Mitomycin C, Amniotic Membrane Transplantation and Limbal Autograft in Treating Recurrent Pterygia with Severe Symblepharon and Motility Restriction. Graefe’s Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2006; 244:232-236.
29. Tong JP, Yao YF. Contribution of VEGF and PEDF to choroidal angiogenesis: A need for balanced expressions. Clinical Biochemistry 2006 (39) 267-276
30. Yao YF, Jin YQ, Zhang B, Zhou P, Zhang YM, Qiu WY, Mou SL, Wu LQ. Recurrence of Corneal Lattice Dystrophy due to Incomplete Removal of Stroma after Deep Lamellar Keratoplasty. Cornea. 2006; 25:S41-6.
31. Ye YF, Yao YF, Zhou P, Pan F. In vivo confocal microscopy of pre-Descemet's membrane corneal dystrophy. Clin Experiment Ophthalmol. 2006; 34(6):614-6.
32. Ye YF, Yao YF, Zhou P, et al. Observation of Healing Process of Corneal Epithelial Basal Cells after Full-Bed Deep Lamellar Keratoplasty with Confocal Microscopy. Chinese Ophthalmic Research. 2006; 24: 651-653. (in Chinese).
33. Zhang B, Yao YF, Zhou P. Two novel mutations identified in two Chinese gelatinous drop-like corneal dystrophy families. Molecular Vision. 2007; 13:988-992.
34. Yao YF. A Novel Technique for performing full-bed deep lamellar keratoplasty. Cornea 2008; 27:S19-24.
35. Huo YN, Qiu WY, Pan Q, Yao YF, Xing K, Lou MF. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are essential mediators in epidermal growthfactor (EGF)-stimulated corneal epithelial cell proliferation, adhesion, migration, and wound healing Experimental Eye Research 2009; 89:876-886

1. Inoue Y, Yao YF. Mouse keratoepithelioplasty model. 1st annual meeting of the Kyoto Cornea Club, Kyoto, December 1-2, 1995, pp93-100. Ed.by Kinoshita S and Ohashi Y.
2. 姚玉峰:药物毒性诱发的眼表面异常。《眼表疾病学》刘祖国主编。P.547-551. 2003年人民卫生出版社
3. 姚玉峰:与角膜接触镜相关的并发症及处理。吕帆主编:高等教育“十五”国家级规划教材(供眼视光专业用)——《角膜接触镜》。2004年人民卫生出版社
4. Yao YF. Deep Lamellar Keratoplasty Combined with Autologous Limbal Grafting in Treating Unilaterally Severe Burnt Eye. Ed. by Thomas John. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publication (P) LTD. Surgical Techniques in Anterior and Posterior Lamellar Corneal Surgery. 2006, pp663-671.



