报告题目:Chiral Phase Transition Temperaturein (2 + 1)-Flavor QCD
报告时间: 2019年10月28日10:00
摘要:The chiral phasetransition temperature T_c^0 is a fundamental quantity of QCD. To determinethis quantity, we have performed simulations of (2 + 1)-flavor QCD using theHighly Improved Staggered Quarks (HISQ) action on N_tau=6, 8, 12 lattices andaspect ratios N_sigma/N_tau ranging from 4 to 7. In our simulations, we fix thestrange quark mass value to its physical value m_s^phy, and the values of twodegenerate light quark masses m_l are varied from m_s^phy/160 to m_s^phy/20which correspond to a Goldstone pion mass m_pi ranging from 55 MeV to 160 MeVin the continuum limit. By investigating the light quark mass dependence andvolume dependence of various chiral observables, e.g. chiral susceptibilitiesand Binder cumulants, we didn't find any evidence for a first order phasetransition in our current quark mass window. To extract the chiral phasetransition temperature T_c^0 in the chiral & continuum limit, we proposedtwo novel estimators T^-_60% and T_delta. The uncertainty in the determinationof T_c^0 is also discussed. We also discuss the nature of the chiral phasetransition in the chiral limit.