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Help for Contribution
1 Downloading the template
2 Setting the micro rank
3 Writing your paper
4 Completing
Thank you for using the contribution template of Sciencepaper Online. You can successfully complete your paper by the following steps:
1 Downloading the template
Please download the template from the website www.paper.edu.cn.
2 Setting the micro rank
The opinions in the papers published on this site are purely the opinions of the authors, not the opinions of the site. The copyrights of papers published on this site will be certificated to the authors.
In the open file, please select: Micro Security>Micro Settings>Disable all micros with notification, and click OK.
Close the file and open it again, a dialog box will pop up, and please select Enable Macros.
Now you can use the contribution template of Sciencepaper Online.
Fig. 1 Micro setting
3 Writing your paper
If you have a written paper, you can copy and paste it to corresponding positions. If you have not written the paper, please directly click corresponding position and input contents. The Fig. 2 shows the prompt.
Fig. 5 Prompt
Fig. 3 Filling the Chinese and English titles and foundations
Fig. 4 The completed title
If you need to modify the contents, please click the title again, and repeat the above operation.
3.2 Author information
Please click the author information position (see Fig. 5)
Fig. 5 Dialog box for adding author information
Fig. 6 Adding detailed author information
Please click Add, fill the text boxes of Fig. 6 one by one according to the prompts. Check the box if the author is the corresponding author, and please fill the corresponding information (see Fig. 7).
Fig.7 Filling author information
Please click saveafter filling, and the just added author information will be present in the author list (see Fig. 8).
Fig. 8 The added author
If the paper has more than one author, please select Add again. In the author list, the author with a * before his/her name is the corresponding author. You can modify the author sequence by mouse dragging, but the first and corresponding authors are required. The contents will be present at the footnote, but the contact ways including telephone and mobile phone numbers will not be present. We will protect your privacy strictly, please feel free to fill your information.
3.3 Abstract
Please carefully read the general requirements for writing abstract, and write or paste the abstract after deleting the words with black background (see Fig. 9).
Fig. 9 General requirements for writing abstract
3.4 Key words
Please carefully read the general requirements for writing key words, and write or paste the key words after deleting the words with black background (see Fig. 10).
Fig. 10 General requirements for writing abstract
3.5 Text
Please write the text according to requirements. A paper mainly includes introduction, methods, results and conclusion. A review paper mainly includes introduction, reviews and prospect.
3.6 References
The template gives some reference samples and formats of different types of references. Please give the references according to requirements.
4 Completing
You have completed the paper by now. Please login your personal space, select subjects according to prompts, and submitting your paper. The submitted paper will be present in the list of paper for review in your personal space.