


19-20学年第1学期本科生课程表查询 PKU Undergraduate Course Schedule

(School Code)
001数学科学学院(School of Mathematical Sciences)
004物理学院(School of Physics)
010化学与分子工程学院(College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering)
011生命科学学院(College of Life Sciences)
012地球与空间科学学院(School of Earth and Space Sciences)
016心理学系(Department of Psychology)
018新闻与传播学院(School of Journalism and Communication)
020中国语言文学系(Department of Chinese Language and Literature)
021历史学系(Department of History)
022考古文博学院(School of Archaeology)
023哲学系(Department of Philosophy)
024国际关系学院(School of International Studies)
025经济学院(School of Economics)
028光华管理学院(Guanghua School of Management)
029法学院(Law School)
030信息管理系(Department of Information Management)
031社会学系(Department of Sociology)
032政府管理学院(School of Government)
038英语语言文学系(Department of English Language and Literature)
039外国语学院(College of Foreign Languages)
040马克思主义学院(School of Marxism)
041体育教研部(Section of Physical Culture)
043艺术学院(Department of Art Studies)
044对外汉语教学中心(Center of Chinese Teaching)
046元培学院(Yuanpei College)
048信息科学技术学院(School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science)
062国家发展研究院(National School of Development)
067教育学院(Graduate School of Education)
086工学院(College of Engineering)
126城市与环境学院(College of Urban and Environmental Sciences)
127环境科学与工程学院(College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering)
180医学部教学办(Health Science Center)
607武装部(Office of the People's Arms Dept.)